Tuesday, May 3, 2011

बेफ़्रिएन्दिन्ग थे त्सुनामी

Befriending the Tsunami

Befriend the torn tsunami scarline of your own post surgical face.
Know the sliding gravel piles jaggedly conceding defeat to gravity
Surrender to sandy erosion new hillsides of felled timber, balding grasslands
Find familiar soon this blemished surface, fetal sinkhole chasms
littered with the memories of richly rotting corpses,
carcasses photographed so perfectly from space now tiny homeless rodents
the shapes of spirits now ash-scattered, that can never be collected
like the fog of broken clouds that change in constant quantum flow.
Fear not the broken boulders cracking surfaces of streets
Swirling black oil down where fish kill stinks below in rotting stacks
Where children’s spines like human jigsaws make their newly crisp & brittle origami
where cumulative cholera pools waistdeep covered by a veil of swarming gnats,
garbage that has gathered higher than a mountaintop in rancid drifts.
Fear not the blind tornado earthquake of the oceanic damage of your earthly face.
Beneath the sculptured surface mud & bone & excrement
above the fertile fecal soil where new eruptions threaten constantly
Where rumblings like a dark digestion of a system undermined,
your consciousness remains beneath the black & poisoned sky.
your dreamtime wanders lapping edges of the dark & toxic sea.
Realize that consciousness alone is rare
& often called a kind of grace.

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