Ignorance is bliss
Some of this true and some BS.
& it’s yr job not mine to figure it out.
The average American gets a cup of salt every week
w/o ever touching a salt shaker.
Ignorance is bliss.
Around the world dictators flourish w/ weapons of fear
until ppl rise up politically & learn to destroy their own neighbors
Ignorance is bliss
You can kill more ppl with the mistaken idea of human perfection
than w a thousand perfectly normal sins
Ignorance is bliss
If I had a tattoo for every tragedy, my body would be
a perfect geometric paisley tapestry
Ignorance is bliss
There are nearly 7 billion ppl on this planet and guess what?
We all pretty much got here the same way
Ignorance is bliss
Between our mothers thighs & screams she sighs & dreams
Ignorance is bliss
Our parents did the hokey pokey way back when
Ignorance is bliss
Down under, winter is nearly over
Ignorance is bliss
Whales are becoming tricoastal to survive
Ignorance is bliss
There are 3 tropical storms in the gulf right now, lining up to take the coast
Ignorance is bliss
The Nina the Pinta & the Santa Maria
Ignorance is bliss
Coffee is actually good 4 U & red wine 2 who knew?
Ignorance is bliss
But bread and cheese now that’ll kill U
Ignorance is bliss
In this country there are more ppl now in prison than public school
Ignorance is bliss
You can spread TB, HPV & TLC
Through a kiss
But ignorance baby!
Ignorance is bliss.
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